How to Find Job Position Number and Title for SAP Security Authorization form
- Open SAPGUI.
- Double-Click RP1.
- Log in using your NetID and password.
- Enter PA20 in the textbox at the top of the window.
- Locate the person by entering their Texas State ID (e.g., A12345678) in the Person ID textbox.
You can also locate the person by entering their last name in the =Last name format in the Person ID textbox.
- Click the Basic Personal Data tab.
- Under Infotype text, select Organization Assignment
- Click the Eyeglasses toolbar icon.
In the window that appears, the position number and title will be in the lower left pane labeled Organizational Plan. The job position code will be an 8-digit number.
You have successfully found the job position number and title for the SAP Security Authorization form.