Preparing Documents for Scanning
As you prepare to scan documents, keep these best practices in mind.
Check for Completeness
Verify each page is legible. Ensure pages are complete including signature, date stamp, other important items are present and legible.
Check for Social Security Numbers
Ask your supervisor if you are to mark through the entire SSN or all but the last 4 digits. Use a Sharpie or other black marker.
Remove Staples and Paper Clips
Remove all staples and paper clips. Fan the pages to ensure they will be pulled through scanner separately.
Check Back of Document
Is there anything on the back of any documents that is to be kept? If so, place these documents in a separate stack to run with ADF set to Duplex.
Verify documents are legible, especially pink and yellow NCR paper. Sort any that are barely legible into a separate stack.
Separate work to be done into small stacks no more than 20 in a stack. With experience, this number can be increased.