Email Encryption

About Email Encryption

Email Encryption follows industry best practices by using policy-based email encryption tools that aid in preventing the exposure of university confidential data through loss or leakage. These tools protect and secure confidential email content, while still making secure emails readily available to appropriate affiliates, business partners, and end users - on their desktops and mobile devices. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect and secure university data from unauthorized or unintentional data exposure.

  • Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
  • Where to use: Outlook, online
  • Cost: Free

Get Started

The easiest way to send an encrypted message is to add this to the subject line: [Encrypt] You must not place [Encrypt] adjacent to other characters other than spaces or it will not encrypt the message.


See the below help article for step-by-step instructions on how to use Email Encryption.

NOTE: If you send a regular email containing confidential information, you will see the below alert indicating that your email will be encrypted.

email encryption alert example

Confidential email that originates from Texas State and is addressed to an outside address presents the most serious risk of exposure. When Email Encryption is used, if an email is sent from a TXST address to a non-TXST address (e.g., Gmail), the contents of the email is encrypted. We do not recommend sending confidential information through email whether it stays on campus or not.