Faculty Profiles

About Faculty Profiles

Faculty Profiles connects faculty across disciplines by providing an accurate snapshot of their work. It syncs with the Faculty Qualifications System, giving a view into faculty research, awards, scholarly/creative work, teaching, grants, and more.

Students, staff, and people outside the university can access faculty profiles to find out more about the faculty who teach at Texas State University.

  • Available to: Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors
  • Where to use: Online
  • Cost: Free

Get Started

Students, Staff, and Visitors

To find a profile, search for a name in the Faculty Profiles system, then click or tap the name in the search results.


The information displayed in Faculty Profiles cannot be modified from within Faculty Profiles, but most of the information can be modified through the Faculty Qualifications system.

To find your profile, search for your name in the Faculty Profiles system, then click or tap your name in the search results.

There is a limited amount of customization available for Faculty Profiles.


Faculty Profiles creates a profile by syncing with the Faculty Qualifications system to create an accurate snapshot of each faculty member's work.  You can edit portions of your profile using Faculty Qualifications.