Adding, Changing, and Removing Activities

Logging in (Admin and Students only)

  1. Login to Faculty Qualifications.
  2. Click Manage Data and choose the faculty member's name.
  3. Click Continue.

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Enter an Activity 

  1. Click on the Activity Category.
  2. Click Add New Item.
  3. Complete the Activity form.

    NOTE: You may copy and paste from another document if you wish.
  4. If applicable, click Add in the Author/Editor or Student area to add multiple authors or participants.
  5. Click Save to save your activity citation.

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Edit an Activity

  1. Click on the Activity Category where the activity can be found.
  2. Click the activity you wish to edit.
  3. Click Save to save your activity citation.

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Delete an Activity

  1. Click on the Activity Category where the activity can be found.
  2. Check the box next to the activity you wish to delete.

    NOTE: You can delete multiple activities by checking multiple boxes next to the activities you wish to remove.
  3. Click the delete icon.
  4. Click Delete on the confirmation screen to delete the activity, or click Cancel if you do not wish to delete.

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Linked Activities

  1. Some Activity types have the option to “link” entries made to other users at Texas State University.  

NOTE: These types include; “Publications,” “Notable Citations of Your Work,” “Presentations, Readings, and Other Works Not in Print,” “Intellectual Property,” “Grants, Contracts, and Sponsored Research,” and “Funded Research Currently in Progress.” 

  1. On these screens where you enter the names of contributors to the entry, you will see a field labelled “People at Texas State University.” This field contains all users at Texas State, and selecting a name in this field will automatically link the entry to their account. 

NOTE: If you do not want to link the other Texas State user(s) to the entry, enter their information in the manual data entry fields and do not select them in the “People at Texas State University” field. 

  1. Once linked, all users will have the ability to collaborate on and edit the Activity entry. 

NOTE: Since all linked users will have the ability to edit the entry, it is very important that co-contributors communicate with each other as far as who will be making the entry, and alerting other co-contributors to edits made to the entry. 

  1. While linking co-contributors at Texas State University is the preferred practice, we understand that due to any number of reasons, this may not be ideal for users. If needed, to un-link a user from an entry you have made, simply click in the “People at Texas State University” field and click delete. Their name information should still remain in the manual entry fields, but once saved, the entry will no longer appear on their account. 

NOTE: If you have been linked on an entry and would like it removed from your account, email with the request. Be sure to include the type of Activity, its title, and the name of the record owner that linked you.

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Import Activities

NOTE: This function is only available in the Publications Activity Screen.

  1. Navigate to the Publications Activity Screen by clicking Publications. You will be able to import citations from a variety of sources including EndNote, RefWorks, Zotero, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Mendeley, Scopus, and PubMed.
  2. Click Import Items.
  3. Browse your computer for the file you downloaded from your reference manager by clicking Choose File.
  4. The Faculty Qualifications System will automatically search for duplicate activities already in the system. 

    NOTE: For each of the potential duplicate records, you must choose to either skip the record or choose to import.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Once you’ve verified that the activities are correct that you’d like to import, click Import Records.

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Search Activities

Faculty Qualifications allows you to search for an item throughout the entire system or on an individual page.

Use the Search All Activities feature when you're not sure where the activity is.  Use the search feature for an individual page if you are sure what category the activity belongs to.

Search All Activities

  1. On the main overview screen (also known as the Welcome screen) enter your search criteria in the search box.
  2. Click the magnifying glass to begin your search.

Search Individual Pages

  1. On the main overview screen, click the category in which the activity you're looking for lives.
  2. Enter your search criteria in the search box.
  3. Click the magnifying glass to begin your search.

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