Faculty Qualifications Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1925 is the default placeholder year that our Data Entry Specialists use when no year is given for a particular activity on your vita. There are also default months and days carried over from the previous ePortfolio system, when the status field required that information.

  • Academic degrees are loaded directly from Faculty Records. What you see in Faculty Qualifications is what Faculty Records has on file as reflected in your transcripts. Please contact Faculty Records with questions or concerns.

  • The Annual Review Report will only display activities that fall within the year under review set by the report parameters and any presently ongoing activities. The Texas State Vita Reports will display activities that fall within the years you set in the report parameters and any presently ongoing activities.

    If you have a question about which year or date to enter for a specific type of activity, please direct these questions to your Chair, as preferences may vary across departments.


  • Some categories in Faculty Qualifications are auto-populated from other systems used by the University and cannot be edited. The following is a list of categories with areas that cannot be added to or edited in Faculty Qualifications:

    • Personal and Contact Information
    • Administrative Data – Permanent Data  I  Texas State Yearly Data
    • Workload Information
      • Workload information is loaded from Banner.
    • Education
      • Degree information is loaded from Faculty Records.
    • Scheduled Teaching
    • Texas State Vita – Version A
    • Texas State Vita – Version B (with Fine Arts)
    • Annual Review Report
  • It is possible that during the data entry process, your Data Entry Specialist left in unnecessary punctuation when adding your information. The reports in Faculty Qualifications are coded to include the correct punctuation for each citation style available, therefore it is not necessary to include this punctuation when entering your information. This can be edited and removed from your activities saved in the system.

  • The Annual Review Report was designed in conjunction with the Provost's Office and the Faculty Qualifications Steering Committee with the goal of creating a standardized Annual Review Report.

    If you have specific questions about data you feel is missing or contains egregious errors, please contact your Data Entry Specialist or the ePortfolio Faculty Qualifications Support Team.

  • Per the Provost's direction, the Annual Review Report is available in APA citation format only. Remember, Annual Review is an internal process only, hence the one citation style.

  • There are a few possible reasons why the activity is missing:

    • The activity has a status or date that is outside the specified date range of the report.
    • The Annual Review Report will only display activities that fall within the year under review set by the report parameters and any presently ongoing activities.
    • The activity is missing required information needed in order for it to appear.
    • A scope is required, for example in Awards.


  • For the Annual Review report, you must select a Scope in order for Awards/Honors to appear in your report.

  • Please, direct workload questions to your department chair.  The Faculty Qualifications system pulls in workload as it has been entered into the Banner system.

  • Academic rank and title are two different designations.

    If your official academic rank is the same as your title, then only your title will appear in your Annual Review Report.

    If your rank and title are different, then both will appear in your Annual Review Report.

    The official list of academic ranks, according to Faculty Records, is:

    • Professor
    • Associate Professor
    • Assistant Professor
    • Instructor
    • Lecturer
    • Graduate Teaching Assistant
    • Graduate Instructional Assistant
    • The data for courses taught is taken directly from the Banner system.
    • This includes any courses that have you listed as the Instructor of Record.
  • In compliance with the current Texas State University Vita standardized format in PPS 8.10, Faculty Qualifications includes Texas State Vita – Version A and Texas State Vita – Version B (with Fine Arts). If you include the Fine Arts components in your vita, then you should use the Texas State Vita – Version B (with Fine Arts) to view your complete vita as it exists in Faculty Qualifications.

    If you are unsure which version you are supposed to use, please contact your Department Chair.