When will my Mediaflo content move to YuJa?
We anticipate the migration to happen early this summer. We will reach out to those who use Mediaflo with specific details.
Will links to my Mediaflo videos redirect to YuJa?
Yes. After the content is moved to YuJa, links will redirect from Mediaflo to YuJa.
If I move my Media videos myself into YuJa, will links redirect?
No. If you move your own videos, be prepared to change links. Also, after the migration is complete, you may find duplicate copies of your video (both the version you moved into YuJa manually and the version that was migrated on your behalf).
In Mediaflo, I used human captioning with REV. How can I do the same thing in YuJa?
YuJa is equipped with a robust auto-captioning system and an easy way to edit the captions. We suggest you first try this method out. YuJa is not currently integrated with REV or any other human captioning service; however, we plan to setup integration at a later date.