Github Classroom

GitHub Classroom is a teaching tool that helps educators manage coding assignments using GitHub. It automates repository creation, distributes assignments, supports team projects, and enables feedback through code reviews. Features include autograding, roster management, and starter code templates. It streamlines coursework by leveraging GitHub’s workflow, making it ideal for universities, coding bootcamps, and programming courses.

Linking GitHub Classroom to Your Course on Canvas:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Your course.
    canvas homepage
  1. Click Settings.
canvas side bnar clikc settings
  1. Click Github Classroom.
    github classroom on the share to commons
  1. Click Choose a classroom to link.
clikc the hyperlink
  1. Click the Sign in button.
    singin screen for github
  2. Click the classroom you would like to connect or create a new one.
github choose a classroom screen
  1. Click Connect.
same screen, github choose screen
  1. Click Emails.
Sync Roster from Canvas Screen
  1. Click Import Rosters entries.
same screen. github sync roster from Canvas