External Apps in Canvas

Canvas offers the ability to integrate with External Tools, also known as External Apps or Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI tools). Apps are standardized add-ins to Canvas that enable additional tools and features. Below is the status of current External App integrations with Canvas.
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Every External App must be reviewed and approved before being added to Canvas. During the review process, the app is evaluated for the type of content that is shared between the tool and Canvas. The tool is evaluated for compliance with TXST policies related to information security, FERPA compliance, accessibility compliance, cost, and legal responsibility.
- Fall Semester Requests: Due by March 1.
- Summer Semester Requests: Due by February 15.
- Spring Semester Requests: Due by August 1.
Filter Panel
Under Review
On Hold
Not Authorized
Audience Response
Digital Credentials
Web Conferencing
College of Applied Arts
Emmett & Miriam McCoy College of Business
College of Education
College of Fine Arts and Communication
The Graduate College
College of Health Professions
Honors College
College of Liberal Arts
College of Science and Engineering
University College
Alkek Library
Office of Distance Learning (ODEL)
All Campus
No License
Campus License
College License
Course License
University Purchased
College Purchased
Student Purchased
Per Use Fee
ODEL Purchase - contact ODEL
ALEKS is an artificial intelligent assessment and learning system which uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn’t know in a course. ALEKS’s LTI supports external assignments that pass grades back to the LMS.
Status: Authorized
Alexander Street Music & Text
Search and embed Alexander Street music and text from Alexander Street into your courses and modules. The Alexander Street LTI app allows you to discover content through a simple search form and embed selected titles right into your course page. A subscription is required.
Status: Authorized
Alexander Street Video
Search and embed Alexander Street videos from video.alexanderstreet.com into your courses and modules. The Alexander Street Video LTI app allows you to discover video content through a simple search form and embed selected titles right into your course page. A subscription is required.
Status: Authorized
Badgr / Canvas Credentials
Badgr integrates with Canvas courses and accounts to award portable digital badges to students as they complete course modules. Open Badges may be awarded for any achievement. Badges can recognize diverse achievements, going beyond the simple metrics found in degrees and transcripts to provide a rich picture of a student’s learning journey.
NOTE: Badgr has been acquired by Canvas and is now Canvas Credentials.
See Also: Credly
Status: Under Review (On Hold)
Reason: Governance -
Becker’s Accounting Master is designed to help university faculty create custom content exams and assignments, giving access to Becker CPA’s and CMA’s entire test bank of multiple-choice questions and task-based simulations with automatic, real-time assignment scoring. The content is continually updated, and you can expose your students to the style and to the content that is tested on the CPA and CMA exams.
Status: Under Review
Big Interview
When preparing for a job interview, it’s not enough to just read advice — students need to put that advice into practice! That’s why Big Interview isn’t just a training course, but a whole interview prep system. Students also get hands-on practice with mock interviews tailored to their specific industry, job, and experience level.
Status: Authorized
Brytewave Course Materials is generally used to provide students with easy access to digital textbooks and course resources, ensuring they have the necessary materials for their classes. It’s commonly utilized for improving learning efficiency through interactive features and supporting cost-effective, timely delivery of required educational content.
Status: Approved
Your link to a simpler and more engaging experience. Enjoy the best of both worlds by providing students with seamless access to Cengage Learning’s premier learning solutions (including MindTap, Aplia, SAM, CengageNOW, OWLv2, 4LTR Press Online and National Geographic Learning) from your LMS.
Cengage MindLinks
MindLinks from Cengage Learning represents a new approach to a highly personalized, online learning platform. A cloud-based learning solution, MindLinks combines all of your learning tools -readings, multimedia, activities and assessments into a singular Learning Path that guides you through the curriculum. Instructors personalize the experience by customizing the presentation of these learning tools to their students; even seamlessly introducing their own content into the Learning Path via "apps" that integrate into the MindLinks platform.
Status: Authorized
Codio is a cloud-based platform that allows for the creation, assigning, completion, testing, and grading (manual or automatic) of programming assignments. It also allows for the guided teaching of programming material.
Status: Approved
The Cognella Active learning platform is not an ebook and does not contain the ebook for your course unless the description in the Cognella store specifically says "includes ebook". If your course has a required Cognella textbook, it must be purchased separately. The Active Learning platform provides interactive online learning activities.
Status: Approved
Condon Learning
Codon Learning is a college science courseware developer that supports the practice of inclusive, evidence-based teaching. Their student-centered approach applies high-structure course design, active learning, and self-regulated learning (and corresponding analytics) to improve learning outcomes. The company is advised by discipline-based education research professors, National Academy scientists, college presidents, and provosts.
Status: Authorized
Coursera is an online learning platform offering self-paced guided projects and on-demand courses on a variety of subjects. The platform partners with universities and companies, including Amazon Web Services, Google and IBM, to provide courses. Users can earn digital certificates to share on their resumes or with their LinkedIn networks.
Status: Approved
Coursetune Catalyst
Coursetune is a centralized system for designing a curriculum to meet standards and outcomes. Coursetune data is presented in an intuitive visual display to illustrate what is being taught, when it is being taught, how it is being assessed, and why it is being taught.
Catalyst is an all new, first-of-its-kind, faculty-centric software for course mapping and course development. Catalyst is where you will design and develop your course content while working with your instructional designer.
Status: Approved
Status: Authorized
Design Plus
Status: Authorized
Eartrainer (Listening Exams)
Eartrainer, formerly Listening Exams, makes it easy to handle dictations online for Aural Skills/Ear Training courses. You create your own dictations with the built-in editor or upload .musicxml. The students complete assignments, their work is automatically graded, and the grades are posted in the gradebook.
Currently you can create Rhythmic, Melodic, and Harmonic dictations. You can also create assignments that test Motive ID, Interval ID, Triad ID, and more.
Status: Authorized
EBSCO Reading List
EBSCO Reading List Builder tool is a plugin that enables you to use the Library's SmartSearch discovery interface to search for EBSCOHost articles, e-Books, streaming video from Films On Demand, and other digital sources directly from Blackboard, and to quickly and easily create reading lists for your students to use. Students who access course reading lists in Canvas simply click on an article title to link to the full text.
Status: Authorized
Easily create beautiful interactive video lessons with Edpuzzle and get data on who watched the video, how many questions they answered correctly and more! Upload your own video or find one on our amazing channels like Khan Academy, YouTube, TEDEd, National Geographic or Crash Course. Then embed your own questions and comments, or add audio notes or voiceover to personalize it for your students. You’ll get student progress reports in real time, making your teaching life so much easier. Start flipping your classroom today with Edpuzzle!
Status: Authorized
Evolve Link
Evolve Link enables instructors to create links to adopted Elsevier content to build their course from within their Learning Management System (LMS). For information on how to adopt Elsevier products for use with Evolve Link, please click here. Elsevier is a global information analytics business that helps institutions and professionals progress science, advance healthcare and improve performance.
Status: Authorized
Cost-efficient test-taking solutions that enable students, professors and test providers to preserve exam integrity. Easy Authentication, Monitoring, Use and Review. Our integration enables Single Sign On for all users and automatic data import.
Status: Authorized
ExamSoft is an embedded assessment platform designed to help instructors create, administer, and analyze exams in one place. ExamSoft has currently been installed for the Department of Psychology, Law School, Medical School, and FSU Panama City's Nurse Anesthesia courses in Canvas.
Status: Approved
Films on Demand
View, search and embed Films On Demand videos, and custom content directly into your Canvas courses and modules. A new icon will show up in your course rich editor letting you search and preview On Demand content. No additional log in required. A Films On Demand subscription is required.
Status: Authorized
Follet Discover
Follett Discover helps streamline the course materials discovery and adoption process for faculty and helps students obtain, organize, and instantly access their required and recommended course materials from within your learning management system.
Status: Authorized
GitHub Classroom
GitHub Classroom is a teaching tool that helps educators manage coding assignments using GitHub. It automates repository creation, distributes assignments, supports team projects, and enables feedback through code reviews. Features include autograding, roster management, and starter code templates. It streamlines coursework by leveraging GitHub’s workflow, making it ideal for universities, coding bootcamps, and programming courses.
Status: Approved
Glose Education
Glose for Education is an inclusive social reading platform where teachers and students can read and learn together. Our platform contains a free collection of over 4,000 classic books which includes many of the most commonly recommended books for middle and high school students.
Status: Not Authorized
Reason: Accessibility -
GoReact is reshaping education by humanizing and accelerating skills-based learning. More than 650 colleges and universities worldwide use GoReact to facilitate scalable video observation, coaching, and assessment for rapid skill development. With simple, interactive tools for collaborative learning and personalized feedback, GoReact helps all learners demonstrate skill competency with greater human connection and engagement.
Status: Withdrawn
GradeCraft is a learning management system (LMS) that supports game-based, or "gamefully designed," courses. Created by the University of Michigan to support their gameful learning pedagogy, GradeCraft gives teachers the tools to design courses that feel like gameplay.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason:Duplicates Existing System (Canvas/Perusall) -
Gradescope by Turnitin
Gradescope helps you seamlessly administer and grade all of your assessments, whether online or in-class. Save time grading and get a clear picture of how your students are doing.
Status: Approved
Hawkes Learning
External tool that allows Canvas users to directly log into their Hawkes Web Platform accounts and be enrolled into a Hawkes section associated with their Canvas course.
Status: Authorized
HSP by Jouble
With H5P (using Joubel), which is an abbreviation for HTML 5 Package, instructors and instructional designers gain access to a large toolkit of learning objects–called "apps"–to use in creating engaging, interactive instructional experiences within Canvas.
Status: Authorized
Hypothesis: The Hypothesis LMS app brings discussion directly to course content by enabling students and teachers to add comments and start conversations in the margins of their texts. Collaborative annotation engages students more deeply in course readings and gives teachers a view into how students are reading.
Current Status: Approved
iClicker is an audience polling tool that lets instructors ask students questions during class and display their responses almost immediately. To use iClicker, students must have a device to record their response.
Status: Denied – Please see TopHat
Kami is an online document annotation and markup tool. You can highlight, underline,and strike-through text in PDF and other document formats. You can also add textboxes, shapes, and images.
Status: Request Withdrawn
Reason: Duplicates Existing System (Canvas/Perusall) -
Kialo is an online structured debate platform with argument maps in the form of debate trees. It is a collaborative reasoning tool for thoughtful discussion, understanding different points of view, and collaborative decision-making, showing arguments for and against claims underneath user-submitted theses or questions
Status: Approved
Knewton Alta
Alta is a complete courseware solution that combines Knewton’s expertly designed adaptive learning technology with high quality openly available content to deliver a personalized learning experience that is affordable, accessible and improves student outcomes.
All of the instructional content needed for a course — including text and video, examples and assessments — is included in each alta product. Alta is now available in multiple courses in math, statistics, economics and chemistry.
Status: Authorized
Kritik is an online peer-to-peer interactive learning platform designed for professors to engage students in a twenty-first-century way. Students can make online submissions for assigned activities and be evaluated based on rubrics designed to help students emulate a professor-standard grading process. Students will also receive constructive written feedback from their peers.
Status: Approved
Labyrinth Learning
Seamlessly add tests, assignments, video tutorials, and other eLab resources directly to your learning management system (LMS) courses.
Educators and students rely on Labyrinth eLab to manage courses efficiently and effectively. Using web-based software hosted by Labyrinth Learning, eLab is an easy-to-use solution offering automated skills assessment, gradebook management, and extended online training with eLab, you can maximize your productivity.
Status: Authorized
Libguides (Library Guides)
Library guides (LibGuides) are web-based guides put together by librarians to provide assistance in using library materials, identifying resources for topics and courses, and much more. We have hundreds of LibGuides available, and we can always work with you to find or create guides to support your courses.
Status: Authorized
Lingro Hub
Lingro Hub by LingroLearning is an educational platform that provides innovative, research-driven language learning solutions. It is designed to support both educators and learners by combining cutting-edge technology, interactive content, and proven teaching methodologies.
LinkedIn Learning
Linkedin Learning, formally Lynda.com, is available as an integration in Canvas. Instructors may assign courses or videos for students. Instructors may already have a learner account available from TXST. If you are a LinkedIn Learning user or admin, you have the following benefits of LTI integration:
Seamless access to LinkedIn Learning for students and instructors
Distinct user experiences for students and instructors
Gradable content
Content easily integrated into LMS courses
Status: Authorized
Lumen Learning
Designed by educators, Lumen Online Homework Manager (OHM) draws from thousands of interactive assessment questions to help students master math and other quantitative skills.
Status: Withdrawn
Macmillan Launch Pad
LaunchPad Central is the #1 Lean platform to discover repeatable, scalable business models. Originally created for the NSF I-Corps Program, LPC’s powerful collaboration and workflow tool connects teams with instructors and mentors to share and review key evidence in real time.
Status: Authorized
Macmillan Learning
Macmillan Learning offers deep content integration between its LaunchPad products and Canvas. This robust integration creates direct links from a Canvas course into the Macmillan LaunchPad environment. This integration requires a Canvas System Administrator to install an account level external app. Once installed, instructors will have the option to add links to Macmillan content from various points in their Canvas course.
Status: Authorized
MatLab Grader
MATLAB Grader lets you scale assessments and automatically grade MATLAB coding assignments in any learning environment. You can use MATLAB Grader for formative assessments with automated feedback and summative assessments such as quizzes and exams.
Status: Under Review
McGraw Hill LTIA Connect and GO
McGraw Hill Connect is a learning management and content delivery platform that offers a suite of tools that facilitate increased engagement, more focused learning, and success tracking.
Status: Approved
McGraw-Hill Campus for CHBA (ALEKS)
In one learning platform, design your math or chemistry course
to support your approach, meet each student where they are, and overcome learning loss.Status: Authorized
Meazure Learning
Meazure Learning offers proctoring solutions for every stage of the assessment lifecycle, from exam development to delivery, reporting, and analytics.
Status: Under Review
Mediaflo was the university's online media management system previous to YuJa.
Status: Inactive
Reason: replaced by YuJa -
Microsoft OneDrive
The Microsoft OneDrive LTI app integrates with Canvas to bring Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365 directly into your most important workflows that include:
Attaching resources and organizing content.
Starting collaborative documents.
Creating and grading assignments.
Status: Authorized
Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook
OneNote Class Notebook lets teachers set up an ideal OneNote environment for their classes in minutes. Teachers will quickly set up a personal workspace for every student, a content library for handouts, and a collaboration space for lessons and creative activities, all within one powerful OneNote notebook. OneNote class notebooks free the teacher to focus on learning, not software or a device. Student work and teacher feedback are exchanged automatically in one place virtually anytime, anywhere.
Status: Approved
MyBusiness Course
myBusinessCourse is an educational content, technology, and services company for the higher education, K-12, professional, and library markets worldwide. It has operations in more than 20 countries around the world. myBusinessCourse offers print and digital textbooks, instructor supplements, online reference databases, distance learning courses, test preparation materials, corporate training courses, career assessment tools, materials for specific academic disciplines, and custom solutions.
Status: Withdrawn
MyEducator CanvasConnect
World-renowned academics wrote each course with students in mind. Students and instructors can highlight and take notes all from within the browser. Students can watch authors and industry professionals explain concepts, discuss supplementary material, and provide real-world examples. Each course comes with pre-built, embedded assessments. Use these as they are or customize them to your preferences. Make them required or just for student review. The choice is yours. Have your students been reading the text? Watching the videos? How have they performed on the assessments? MyEducator Analytics help you track student engagement and course progress. Get a high-level snapshot of your course or drill down to a specific student. MyEducator’s insightful analytics help you give personalized attention to help each student succeed.
Status: Authorized
MyOpenMath - Sage by David Lippman
MyOpenMath is an online course management and assessment system for mathematics and other quantitative fields. MyOpenMath’s focus is providing rich algorithmically generated assessment to support the use of free open textbooks.
Status: Approved
Name pronunciation and gender identity solution. Audio name pronunciations, chosen names and gender pronouns. Students can record and update directly within the LMS.
Status: Request Withdrawn
Reason: Duplicates Existing System (Canvas) -
Norton eBook & InQuizzative Tools
An award-winning, easy-to-use adaptive learning tool. Students get a personalized experience, will retain key concepts, and come to class prepared. Detailed performance analytics help instructors identify where students are struggling so that they can intervene at crucial points during the learning process. InQuizitive personalizes individual students’ learning paths so they receive more questions on topics they’re struggling with. Each question includes detailed feedback, and the wagering points feature helps students assess their own understanding. Performance analytics and links to the ebook allow them to study efficiently. As a W3C member, we are proud to offer an inclusive experience to all InQuizitive users through features such as multi-modal feedback, a focused interface, and full keyboard- and screen-reader accessibility.
Status: Authorized
OLI Torus
The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is a flagship project of The Simon Initiative. It provides textbook-replacement courseware built upon principles gleaned from decades of research in three strengths: cognitive science, computer engineering and human-computer interaction.
Status: Approved
Online Homework Manager (OHM)
OHM offers thoughtfully designed course materials faculty can customize to meet students’ needs. With thousands of interactive assessment questions, OHM empowers students in building a strong foundation in Mathematics. It includes an interactive e-text with immediate feedback on problem sets to coach students toward mastery.
Open Learning Initiative
The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is a flagship project of The Simon Initiative. It provides textbook-replacement courseware built upon principles gleaned from decades of research in three CMU's strengths: cognitive science, computer engineering and human-computer interaction.
Status: Approved – Engineering Only
OpenStax Tutor
OpenStax Tutor enables better learning for your students and easy course creation for you. With digital reading, personalized homework, a library of thousands of assessments, and LMS integration, OpenStax Tutor works well for online, hybrid, and in-person courses.
Status: Withdrawn
Oxford University Press
OUP offers course cartridge integration with Canvas. This allows instructors to import all or some components of the course cartridge provided by OUP into their courses. Cartridges can contain instructional material, activities, and assessments.
Status: Approved
Packback Questions is an online discussion platform geared towards awakening and fueling relentless curiosity in every student! Packback is an AI-supported online discussion platform designed to improve student curiosity, communication skills, and critical thinking. We have created an academic space where students are free to explore the content you learn in class in a way that spans outside the boundaries of textbooks, lecture halls, and online sources. Instead of just focusing on memorizing facts, Packback places students in the driver's seat, prompting them to ask questions, engage with their classmates, and take their fearless curiosity to new heights.
Status: Authorized
Padlet allows you to create an online bulletin board where your students can add posts (text, Youtube links, files). You can create a link to a freestanding Padlet or you can embed the Padlet in a Canvas page. Students create their posts anonymously. Padlet is an excellent tool for collaborative group work. Padlet can also be used on your mobile device.
Status: Withdrawn
PathAdvisorThe PathAdvisor program supports students and advisors in academic planning by providing personalized course recommendations, interactive degree mapping, and progress tracking toward graduation. It integrates data from Student Information Systems (SIS) to ensure real-time accuracy of course offerings and degree requirements. PathAdvisor also fosters collaboration by enabling advisors to review plans, provide feedback, and approve changes, all through an intuitive interface within the Canvas environment. This seamless integration enhances the academic planning experience, helping students stay on track and achieve their goals efficiently.Status: Withdrawn
Pearson Access
Pearson Inclusive Access allows you to teach your course your way while empowering students to take ownership of their education. It also allows you the freedom of continuing to use your courseware or print selections of choice in a digital-first format. This LTI allows access to Pearson REVEL and Pearson MyLab/Mastering.
Status: Authorized
Pearson MyLabs & Mastering
Pearson MyLab & Mastering allows for a personalized and adaptive learning environment that assesses student performance and activity in real time and uses data and analytics to personalize content to reinforce concepts that target each student’s strengths and weaknesses. You can view, analyze and report learning outcomes and create peer-to-peer learning all in one place.
Status: Authorized
Pearson Revel
Pearson gives institutions, instructors, and students easy access to Revel. Revel integration delivers streamlined access to everything your students need for the course in these learning management system (LMS) environments.
Status: Authorized
Peregrine Academic
Peregrine is an assessment test designed to see how students naturally perform in given business fields.The Peregrine Test is a practical, knowledge-based exam that evaluates students on the following topics: Accounting, Finance, Business Integration and Strategy, Economics (Macro and Micro), Human Resources Operations, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, and Research Techniques
Status: Authorized
Perusall is a social learning platform that prepares students for class. The platform incorporates a novel e-book reader with collaborative annotation tools to ensure students learn more, come to class prepared, and become more engaged in the learning experience. It enables you to teach more effectively, understand student misconceptions, structure class discussion, and save time. It is based on extensive patent-pending behavioral research at Harvard University and is used by a growing number of faculty and students at different universities.
Perusall turns often-skipped solitary reading assignments into engaging collective activities students don’t want to miss. Students collectively annotate each reading — asking questions, responding to each other’s questions, or sharing other perspectives or knowledge.
Perusall’s novel data analytics automatically grade these annotations to ensure that students complete the reading, and as an instructor, you get a classroom of fully prepared students every time. Perusall provides you with a simple “confusion report” that summarizes areas your students misunderstood, disagreed with each other about, or were most engaged with — along with examples of the best annotations, so you can call out specific questions or individuals in class.
Perusall encourages students to continue the conversation about the text even after they log off; when other students answer their questions, Perusall sends them an email summary, with the ability to respond without leaving their email client or smartphone.
Status: Authorized
Pressbooks is a tool that enables faculty and students to create and publish text in multiple formats.
Status: Approved
Proctorio’s live & fully automated, remote proctoring service provides a scalable, cost-effective solution to ensure the total learning integrity of every assessment, every time. Proctorio eliminates human error, bias and much of the expense associated with remote proctoring, identity verification and originality verification. The software integrates effortlessly with whatever learning management system you already use—no scheduling, waiting or additional logins required—for instant, objective, and secure results.
Proctorio allows exam administrators to customize the proctoring functionality and information collected for each exam. By employing the Proctorio settings (Recording, Lockdown and Verification), an instructor can turn on or off specific features to create the desired integrity review. Institutions can set these standards on-demand and at an individual or institutional exam-level. The system is designed for flexibility of use and use-case. It can be complex and data-rich for instructors who demand a high standard of academic integrity on high-stakes exams, or streamlined for instructors who want ease-of-use and, perhaps, lower-stakes exams administered more often.
Status: Authorized -
ProctorU is a secure, live, online proctoring service that allows exam-takers to complete their assessment at home. This is a convenient option for students who are taking courses at a distance. Students log in using their own microphone and webcam.
Status: Approved – Contact TXST Global for more information vpglobal@txstate.edu.
Public Health Nursing by Redmer Productions
This software is a "gamification" tool that will be used to help undergrad nursing students better understand the concepts, techniques, and principles of delivering patient care in public health nursing settings.
Status: Under Review
Create interactive puzzles (crosswords, word search, jigsaw, etc) to aid instruction.
Status: Not Authorized
Reason: Security -
Qualtrics is a robust survey tool available for all UT faculty, staff and students. The Qualtrics LTI integration allows you to create a survey or quiz in Qualtrics and offer it to your students through Canvas as a graded activity. Once a student completes the survey, a completion score or performance score will be passed back to the Canvas gradebook.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Surveys can already be embedded in Canvas courses. -
Redirect Tool
Redirect Tool can add an important link to the Canvas course menu the Redirect Tool is the app to use. The text for the link is decided by you, and the link can be external or a Canvas page, resource or activity. The link can open in Canvas or in a new tab
Status: Authorized
Redshelf by Brytwave
RedShelf provides students with access to digital content at a reduced cost through the Bookstore's inclusive access program with publishers. Students are able to access content on the first day of class and may opt out from purchasing the digital content within the first two weeks through a link in the site.
Status: Authorized
Respondus - LockDown Browser
LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment in Canvas. When students use LockDown Browser to access a quiz, they are unable to print, copy, visit other websites, access other applications, or close a quiz until it is submitted for grading. Quizzes created for use with LockDown Browser cannot be accessed with standard browsers.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: no departmental funding identified -
Roll Call Attendance Tool
The Attendance (Roll Call) tool is an external app (LTI) used for taking attendance in Canvas courses. The Attendance tool can be used for online or face-to-face courses. Enabled at the account level, the Roll Call Attendance tool can be used by all courses in the Canvas account.
The Attendance tool always appears as a visible Course Navigation link, but it cannot be viewed by students, so hiding the link in Course Settings is not necessary. If instructors do not want to use the Attendance tool in their courses, no action is required. However, if you do use the Attendance tool, students can view their attendance report through the Roll Call Attendance submission details page.
Status: Not Authorized
Reason: Conflicts with existing App (Seating Chart) -
Seating Chart / RollCall
As an instructor you can use Canvas in your face-to-face and hybrid courses to track attendance and, if desired, contribute a score to your students' final grade.
Status: Authorized
Student Learning & Licensure by Watermark
Watermark Student Learning & Licensure is a modern and flexible platform that offers innovative tools to drive student learning assessment, portfolios, and field experiences.
Status: Approved
Stukent provides cutting-edge simulations and courseware to help educators help students help the world.
Status: Approved
Suitable's student engagement software provides a virtual roadmap for the entire student lifecycle. From the moment of enrollment, Suitable lets you begin scaffolding each students’ journey while still optimizing for their individual needs as they progress through their academic years. Empower students with the direction they need to successfully captain their education.
Status: Approved
The simple Canvas tool allows you to scan your Canvas courses for unpublished pages and unlinked files and delete them from your Canvas course.
Status: Authorized
TK20 by Watermark
Watermark is the largest provider of educational intelligence systems for higher education institutions worldwide. Watermark puts better data into the hands of administrators, educators, and learners everywhere in order to empower them to connect information and gain insights into learning which will drive meaningful improvements. Through its innovative educational intelligence platform, Watermark supports institutions in developing an intentional approach to learning and development based on data they can trust.
Tk20 by Watermark is part of Watermark’s assessment measurement solutions product suite.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn by Requestor -
Top Hat's advanced Canvas integration allows professors to sync grading and class roster information between the two systems. The integration is designed to ease student registration and on-boarding, and to allow professors to easily send grades from Top Hat into Canvas.Take attendance, present slides, host discussions, give homework, assign interactive readings and run tests—and do it all in one place.
Status: Approved
TRUE + WAY ASL (What's the Sign)
TRUE+WAY American Sign Language was designed by a group of Deaf ASL Teachers with a combined 70+ years of experience in the classroom. The result is an ASL curriculum designed to support teachers and students in an increasingly virtual world that still values human interaction. Our students learn how to use ASL to communicate in real-world conversations and situations that are likely to occur in our daily lives.
Status: Authorized
Turnitin is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks student's writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying. Upon submission, Turnitin compares the student's paper to text in its massive database of student work, websites, books, articles, etc.
Status: Authorized
Tutor.com is a fully online tutoring service. You can get a tutor 24/7 in more than 40 subjects including Math, Science, Social Studies, English, AP ® Support, Foreign Languages and Business. Tutoring sessions take place in our easy-to-use online classroom, which runs in your web browser. Tutor.com tutors can assist with studying, test prep and homework help in more than 40 subjects
Status: Authorized
The Universal Design Online Content Inspection Tool—UDOIT (pronounced “You Do It”)—enables Canvas Course owners to identify accessibility issues in their course content. It will scan a course, generate a report, and provide resources on how to address common accessibility issues.
Status: Authorized
SAGE Vantage is an intuitive digital platform that blends trusted SAGE content with auto-graded assignments, all carefully designed to ignite student engagement and drive critical thinking. Built with instructors and students in mind, it offers easy course set-up and enables students to better prepare for class.
Status: Authorized
Visible Body Courseware
The platform comes with an extensive visual database of healthcare education content and includes LMS features. Instructors use Courseware for reference, to deliver course assignments and assign quizzes, manage grades, transform lecture presentations to include 3D models and animations, and expand and enhance anatomy lab dissections.
Status: Denied (Due to lack of security)
Vista Higher Learning
Vista Higher Learning is a publisher of educational materials and tools, and its integration is typically used to support language learning and other courses. Vista Higher Learning provides digital content and resources, such as textbooks, activities, quizzes, and multimedia resources, which can be accessed and used directly within the Canvas platform.
Status: Under Review
VoiceThread, a web application, is a learning tool for enhancing asynchronous student engagement and online presence. With VoiceThread, both instructors and students can create, share, and comment on images, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, videos, audio files, documents, and PDFs, using microphone, webcam, text, phone, and audio-file upload. VoiceThread has a devoted following in language instruction, especially.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Duplicates Another App (YuJa) -
Wiley Plus
Get everything you need in one place. Create a unified learning experience for your students with direct access to WileyPLUS inside your LMS course.
Status: Authorized
Lecture capture recording tools, including browser-based capture and YuJa Software Capture tool, are available directly within the Canvas LMS.
Status: Authorized
Zoom is a web conferencing tool that provides remote conferencing services. The Canvas-Zoom integration allows instructors to schedule online meetings from within Canvas and is available in all Canvas sites. There are settings and features available for enabling in the Zoom app and web portal that are not available to be enabled on Canvas.
Status: Authorized
Adopt computer science and other STEM zyBooks as a replacement or supplement for your existing textbook. zyBooks focuses on highly interactive elements inside of the book, to replace walls of text that students don’t read. Write, compile, and execute code directly inside of a zyBook. Track students as they work through the course and get a real-time view of activity completion. Use zyLabs for computer science as a homework assessment engine to auto-grade assignments.
Status: Authorized