Lingro Hub

Lingro Hub by LingroLearning is an educational platform that provides innovative, research-driven language learning solutions. It is designed to support both educators and learners by combining cutting-edge technology, interactive content, and proven teaching methodologies.

If you need further support please see the Lingro Learning support page

How to add Lingro Hub to Canvas

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course
  2. Select Modules from the Course Navigation bar
    1. If you do not have a module: Select +Module at the upper- right of the Modules. Name your module and click Add Module
canvas pop out page, that shows the module name of Lingro Hub and simply press Add module
  1.  Your new module will now appear in your Modules view. Select the plus + icon next to your module to add an item
select the plus icon on the Lingro tab
  1. In the Add Item pane, select External Tool from the drop-down menu next to the Add field, and then select LingroHub from the list of External Tools available. Next place a check in the box next to Load in the new tab and click Add Item
select external tool in the dorp down menu with lingro hub selected and click add item onthis popup menui
  1. You have now added the LingroHub link to your module. You and your students may click the link to be able to access LingroHub resources.
    1. NOTE: Make sure you publish the module and the link to ensure your students will be able to view and access the link.