Norton InQuizitive

InQuizitive personalizes individual students’ learning paths so they receive more questions on topics they’re struggling with. Each question includes detailed feedback, and the wagering points feature helps students assess their own understanding. Performance analytics and links to the ebook allow them to study efficiently. 


  1. Login into Canvas
  2. Click on Norton Course materials Links in your course.
  3. Read and accept the terms of use and Privacy policy.
  4. For codeless access, always access Norton content from your Canvas Course.


  1. Add Assignments, then click Assignment button. 
  2. Give Descriptive name, then set points.
  3. Set Assignment Group and Display Grade(s). 
  4. Set Submission Type to External Tool 
  5. Then Select Norton.
  6. Load this Tool in a New Tab Checkbox 
  7. Click Save.