Computer Repair

About Computer Repair

Computer Repair services are offered on personal and Texas State computers. Bring your device to one of our Service Centers and get a repair estimate.

  • Available to: Faculty, Staff, Students
  • Where to use: Texas State Windows and Mac computers, personal computers
  • Cost: Varies

Get Started

Warranty Repairs

The ITAC Repair Shop recognizes warranties for the following vendors:

Dell Warranty repairs

Dell Computer Corporation recognizes ITAC as a service provider in the Dell Premium Access Program.

Apple Warranty repairs

Texas State is an Apple authorized service provider.

Texas State Equipment

  • ITAC Computing Hardware Repair Request - request repair of university-owned computers and accessories. This form must accompany each item submitted for repair and to request pickup.
  • Repair services on university-owned equipment that is supported, but not covered under manufacturer’s warranty, will be billed on a time and materials basis.
  • It is the user's responsibility to transport equipment to be repaired to ITAC. If that is not possible, we can make arrangements for transportation to and from ITAC for a pickup and delivery fee.
  • Any repair charges the department may incur will be IDT'd to the department.

Personally-owned Equipment

Repair service on personally-owned equipment is billed on a time and materials basis.


See the below help articles for step-by-step instructions on how to use Texas State computer repair services.