How to Change your NetID Password and Validate a New Personal Email Address

  1. Open Online Toolkit
  2. Enter your NetID and password. Click Login.
  3. Send a Passcode to your device.


Online toolkit login page with login button hi lighted.


Duo authentication screen with send passcode and other options buttons hi lighted


Note: You can select Other Options to authenticate with Duo

Other options Duo page with alternative login options hi lighted


  1. Click Change Password.

Online toolkit homepage with the change password link circled


  1. Select the No radio button.

    NOTE: Answering no means that you will be required to validate your personal email address.

Change password page asking to confirm your personal email address


  1. Enter a new personal email then re-enter the same personal email.
  2. Click Send Confirmation Email.

    NOTE: The system will send a one-time-use link to your personal email address.

    CAUTION: Depending on your personal email service, this email may take several minutes to reach your inbox. If you don"t see it within 15 minutes, look in your junk or spam folder.

Change password screen with the fields for email and send confirmation button circled


  1. Read the email and click the link contained in the email. A new web browser window or tab opens.

Gmail page with confirmation email from TXST open and link circled


  1. On the One-Time-Use Link Validation screen, enter your date of birth. Click Validate.

One time use link validation screen with date of birth field circled


  1. Click the checkbox, I agree to comply with the...
  2. Enter your Old Password.
  3. Enter and re-enter your New Password.

    NOTE: Consider creating a passphrase that is at least 15 characters long. See passphrase best practices.
  4. Click Submit.

One-time use link validation screen. Circled is the checkbox for agreeing to apply with information security. Also circled are a column of informational fields to fill out, listing netid, old password, new password, and repeat new password.