Windows 11 Self-Service Instructions

System Compatibility Requirements & Backing Up Data

TXST Windows 10 computers must meet system compatibility requirements for the Windows 11 upgrade. If the computer is not compatible, the upgrade option will not be available. You can view system requirements in our FAQ.

Before you begin, we strongly recommend backing up your data using CrashPlan or OneDrive. The upgrade does not erase data or settings, but it is best practice to backup your data before beginning the update. 

I'm Ready to Upgrade! What are the next steps?

*The entire process can take 45-60 minutes to complete. 
To start the Windows 11 upgrade:
  1. Go to Settings > Windows Update
  2. Click “Check for Updates,” then scroll down to "Windows 11, version 24H2" 
  3. Click "Download and install." 
  4. When prompted, please restart your computer to apply the upgrade. 

While the screens may differ, you will see the update as one of the options below:

Windows updates setting screen showing download option for windows 11
second screen showing windows 11 update option


For more information on the transition, please refer to the Windows 10 End of Life TXST Plan.

If you have questions or need assistance with Windows 11, please contact ITAC.