How to Activate your NetID

  1. Open Online Toolkit.
  2. Click Activate your NetID.  
     Login page of online toolkit. The highlighted ink below says activate your netid.
  3. Select an Identifier Type (NetID / Texas State ID or SSN / ITIN).

    EXAMPLE: NetID (e.g., zzz99), Texas State ID (e.g., A12345678), SSN, or ITIN.

    NOTE: International students will need to use the NetID / Texas State ID option.
     NETID and password setup page. The option to select your identifier type is highlighted.
  4. Enter your identifier and date of birth in the appropriate boxes.
     NetID and Password Setup page. The identifier and date of birth fields are highlighted.
  5. Enter the code shown in the image on the screen.
  6. Click Next.
     The NetID and password setup page. The captcha field and next button are highlighted.
  7. Enter your last name, social security number, and personal email address in the appropriate boxes.
  8. Click Validate.
     The next portion of the NetID and Password Setup page. The last name, last 4 digits of SSN, and personal email fields and next button are highlighted.
    NOTE: The system will send a one-time-use link to your personal email address. 

    CAUTION: Depending on your personal email service, this email may take several minutes to reach your inbox. If you don’t see it within 15 minutes, look in your junk or spam folder.
  9. Read the email and click the link contained in the email. A new web browser window or tab opens.
     email of txst
  10. On the One-Time-Use Link Validation screen, enter your date of birth.
  11. Click Validate.

    TIP: Your NetID will appear on the screen. Write it down and keep it handy for future use.
     one0time use link validation
  12. Now, you'll be directed to enroll in Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

    NOTE: Make sure that the device you enroll in Duo is one you have access to regularly. You'll be using this device to accept push notifications from Duo to confirm your identity on the network. If you ever receive a push notification you did not authorize, do not accept the request and please report it.
     welcome to Duo screenshot

  13. NOTE: Make sure to allow Duo to send you notifications if you are asked.
     Duo screenshot

  15. Follow the prompts as Duo walks you through the enrollment process.
     Duo screenshot
  16. Select a device to enroll. Make sure it's a device you'll have access to regularly.
     Duo screenshot
  17. Validate your phone number on that device.
     Duo screenshot
  18. You should be automatically redirected to download the Duo Mobile app for your mobile device.
     Duo screenshot
  19. Once you have installed the Duo Mobile app on your device, you'll be given the option to enroll another device into Duo as a backup.
     Duo screenshot

  20. NOTE: You can always return to this option later in your account. Additionally, you may purchase alternative, non-cellular devices (token-generating key fobs) that support Duo MFA for your NetID at the ITAC service desk on the first floor of the Alkek library.
  21. Your Duo account setup is not complete. Click Log in with Duo to finish enrolling.
     Duo screenshot
  22. You should receive your first Duo push notification.
     Duo screenshot

  23. NOTE: Go to the Duo Enrollment support page if you need more information about managing and configuring your Duo account. Some of these instructions are repeated on the Duo Enrollment support page.
  24. Check the "I agree to comply with the information security, appropriate use, and other policies of Texas State University" checkbox.
  25. Enter and re-enter a password for your NetID.

    NOTE: Consider creating a passphrase that is at least 15 characters long. See passphrase best practices.
  26. Click Submit.
     NOTE: Be sure to keep your NetID and password handy. You will use it to log into several Texas State online to change password