Teaching Theaters & Live Streaming Events

This page is in regard to events held in the Teaching Theaters only! For regular classes held in the Teaching Theaters, please refer to the IT Supported page. Learning Spaces manages reservations for the Alkek and Centennial Teaching Theaters, and provides event support for all three Teaching Theaters.

LBJ Student Center Teaching Theater Events

Any group events to be held in the LBJ Student Center Teaching Theater must be reserved and scheduled through the LBJ Student Center staff. You can find the necessary information and forms on the LBJ Student Center's Conference Services page.

Alkek or Centennial Teaching Theater Reservation Form

Before submitting your reservation form, please read the Teaching Theater Event Policies page.

Camera filming a live event

Live streaming services

Learning Spaces assists with Live Streaming for events at a cost of $80/hour and a $50 equipment rental fee (per event). You will need:

  • An active network port (required)
  • Account on a streaming platform

Please submit an Event Live Steam Request to get have Learning Spaces assist you with your streaming event.