SAP Business Client

About SAP Business Client

The SAP Business Client is software used to access the SAP administrative database. The SAP Business Client software is not needed to enter timesheet information or view your electronic paycheck stub. For those tasks, visit the SAP Portal.

  • Available to:  Faculty, Staff, Student Employees
  • Where to use: Texas State Windows computers
  • Cost: Free

Get Started

Installation Instructions

  • Your computer must be a member of the Texas State (TXSTATE) domain.
  • Your computer must be managed. Most computers on the TXSTATE domain are managed. (If you do not have Software Center, your computer is not managed.)

NOTE: SAP Business Client is to be installed on Texas State-owned computers only.

If you have questions about these prerequisites, please contact ITAC or your department's technical support person (TSP) before proceeding.

  1. Open Software Center.
  2. Locate and install the software.